Mortgage Advisors Group
Mortgage Advisors Group

123 Nevada Street, Suite F,
Nevada City, CA 95959
Phone: (530) 478-1271
Fax: (530) 478-1371

Is a Reverse Mortgage Right For You?

Dear Friend,

Are you looking for a solution for yourself or a loved one?

Nearly 90% of seniors in the U.S. rely on Social Security every month just to pay their bills it’s no wonder that a falling American dollar, a worldwide “credit crunch,” and rising gas & food prices are causing seniors to start worrying about their finances.

They worked hard for decades, raised kids, lived right and trusted that when they reached this point in life, they would be free from worry.

Others are not in such desparate circumstances but still find themselves unable to live to the fullest because of a tight budget and a lack of disposable income.

The reverse mortgage may be a solution in either case.

Have you dismissed the reverse mortgage as "too good to be true"?

Have you investigated it only to be pressured by calls from salespeople trying to persuade you to make a quick decision?

Did you sense the person on the other end of the telephone line was trying to sell you something you may not even need?

Learning about a reverse mortgage doesn't need to be confusing, filled with pressure or cause you to fear being cheated or scammed.

The first step is to get as much information as you can from a reliable, local resource and develop a relationship with an experienced professional who can guide you to the resources you need to make up your own mind.

After this first step, you can be confident that you understand how it works and if it will actually benefit you.

And if your results are an improved life style, more enjoyment out of your money or just peace of mind that you made the right decision by not proceeding, you'll be even more enthusiastic.

Sound impossible?

I assure you it's not impossible.

I have developed this web site as a unique way of serving our local seniors, their family members and financial advisors.

And yes, there is a better way to learn about and obtain a reverse mortgage and maximize the benefits you receive.

“Jeff was able to answer all of our questions, put our fears to rest and give us a new perspective on handling money. Thanks for showing us how to have more freedom.” Mike & Diana Sherman, Nevada City

You've come to the right place if you want to feel in control about what you know and become a smart reverse mortgage borrower...

But only if it's the right loan for you!

Click here to take the first step

And thank you again for your visit! Don't forget to tell friends and family members about this resource.

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