American AgCredit
American AgCredit
809 Fourth Street
Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530)842-1304
Toll-Free: (800)800-4865
Fax: (530)842-1309

You can’t have a successful business relationship with someone unless you share a common passion. Just like you, our passion is farming, ranching and agriculture – it’s what we know. Many of our staff are farmers or come from farming or ranching families, and we’ve been using that knowledge to take care of the financial needs of farmers and ranchers for over 90 years.

Because all we do is agriculture, we have taken the time to get to know its ins and outs, the commitments it requires of those involved in it and the risks they take every day. So when the market rises and falls as it always does, we can provide the flexible solutions needed to help ride out the waves.

We know that without new generations taking over the family farm, agriculture would cease in our country, leaving us completely dependent on foreign imports and decimating the multitude of small farming communities across the United States. Therefore, we take our commitment to new farmers, young people taking over the family farm, and smaller farm operations very seriously. Not only do we have special programs such as our Young, Beginning & Small Farmer/Rancher Program, and our AgYouth Program, but our staff participates in education that benefits those farmers, and inspires new generations to consider farming, throughout the year.

At American AgCredit, our 90+ years of agricultural lending experience set us apart from the others. Let us show you how hard we’ll work to get and keep your business, and we’ll work even harder to earn your trust. We offer a broad range of agricultural loan and leasing services from winery, orchard and dairy financing to country homes loans, equipment leasing and construction financing, which we offer to most of California and all of Nevada. American AgCredit is part of the cooperative nationwide Farm Credit System.

Copyright © 2008 American AgCredit. All Rights Reserved.
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